BIOHIIT – BIOfeedback High Intensity Interval Training DVD Review

BIOHIIT 5 dvd workout

Available for $39.95 on

BIOHIIT - BIOfeedback High Intensity Interval Training DVD


In BIOHIIT personal trainer David Norton takes you through 5 complete workouts on 5 separate DVDs. Each workout is approximately between 45 to 60 minutes and includes warming up, stretching and interval exercises.

Although you can do the workouts without a heart rate monitor, one of the keys to the BIOHIIT series is using the biofeedback from a heart rate monitor to make sure you are working out at the appropriate level. There is also other optional equipment used in the videos that is not required.

At $40 for 5 workouts this set is priced a bit on the high side. However, we feel the workouts provide a challenge and will get you results.

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