Here we try to answer some of the most frequently asked questions about treadmills.
Q: What is the best treadmill?
A: View our list of the best treadmills for several different price ranges and categories.
Q: How do manual and electric treadmills differ?
A: Manual treadmills are much cheaper, but require the runner to power the belt with their steps. The pace is set by how fast you run which makes it hard to maintain an effective speed. They also put a lot of strain on your hips and knees. Electric versions are more expensive and are powered by a motor which controls the belt based on the settings you specify on the control panel. This forces you to get a more effective workout by keeping up a constant pace.
Q: Are there different treadmills for walkers than runners?
A: There are models that are better suited for running, while walkers don’t have to be as concerned. Runners should look for a long running deck of at least 7 feet long by 3 feet wide. You should also find a machine that has top speeds of at least 10-12 mph. Walkers can get a machine with a smaller deck size and less speed.
Q: What should I look for when buying a treadmill?
A: Check out our treadmill buying guide for a more detailed explanation.
Q: Are treadmills easier on your body than running outdoors?
A: For the most part, yes. Running on a treadmill is less harmful on the body than running outdoors because the treadmill helps absorb a large amount of the impact, sparing your knees and joints. However, you also do not build up your lower body shock-absorbing capability as much either which could leave you more prone to stress fractures.
Q: How accurate are the ‘calories burned’ figures?
A: The ‘calories burned’ are the estimated total calories burned by exercising on the machine plus what you would normally burn even at rest. Net calories burned is the amount of calories burned just from the exercise. There are some basic equations to help you figure the actual calories burned per mile either running or walking:
Running: Total calories burned per mile = .75 x body weight (lbs)
Running: Net calories burned per mile = .63 x body weight (lbs)
Walking: Total calories burned per mile = .53 x body weight (lbs)
Walking: Net calories burned per mile = .30 x body weight (lbs)
Q: Do I need to wear shoes on the treadmill or should I wear different shoes?
A: One advantage of running on a treadmill is that you don’t have to wear shoes if you don’t want to. However most people recommend wearing shoes. You can either wear normal running shoes like you would use outside or you can use a lighter pair with less cushioning since the surface is cushioned for you.